Airbrush Makeup Contour Guide

Contouring is one of the best ways to take your airbrush makeup game to the next level. It will help accent the facial curves you want to stand out and also help outline the shape of your face. This contour guide will give you step-by-step instructions to get the perfect contouring results with your airbrush makeup.
1. Use a shade that is slightly darker than your regular foundation shade
Use 2-3 drops of a foundation shade that is one shade darker than what you would typically use. If you bought a Photo Finish airbrush kit, you may already have a darker shade on hand.
If you do not have a darker foundation shade, you can instead add a drop of dark brown adjustor into your cup along with 3 drops of your usual foundation color. To mix, just hold your finger over the tip of the airbrush gun and pull back the trigger. This will cause the air to back-bubble into the cup and mix your colors thoroughly.
For a bold and shimmery contour, use an eyeshadow shade that is darker than your regular foundation shade, such as those available in our contour set.
2. Identify areas that you wish to contour
When contouring, you want to apply the contour to areas you wish to somewhat minimize or contrast from highlighted areas. The most common areas are the cheeks right under the cheekbone and under the chin. When these areas are done right, the contouring will provide a slightly shaded look, adding more shape and contrast to your face.
3. Apply your contour
Hold the airbrush gun about four inches from your face. Using light, short trigger presses, stroke along the underside of the areas you are contouring. For a fiercer-looking contour, bring the airbrush gun slightly closer to your face while applying.
To apply to your cheeks, pucker your lips tightly so that your cheeks suck in. This should give you a nice, flat surface to work with. Using the previously mentioned trigger and stroke method, stroke along the underside of your cheekbones in passes until you reach your desired contour level.
Remember, a lighter amount of contour will look more natural.
To contour under your chin, tilt your head backward slightly so that it is easier to see and work with the jaw area. Using the same technique you used for your cheeks, stroke along the underside of your jawline until you have achieved your desired look.
This guide should provide the information you need to apply the perfect contour. For a video guide on basic airbrush makeup techniques, go to