6 tips for stunning airbrush eye makeup

Eye makeup can do a lot to accent your look, and it can also be very expressive. When it is overlooked, eyes can end up looking dull and will not stand out. Whether you are new to airbrush eyeshadow or want to step up your airbrush makeup game, these easy tips will help you get the results you have been looking for.
1. Use an airbrush eyeshadow with some shimmer to it
Using a shimmery eyeshadow will do a lot to draw attention to your eyes. If you use an eyeshadow that is not shimmery enough, you can also apply a fine layer of a separate shimmer.
2. Hold the airbrush gun 2-3 inches away when spraying
This is a closer distance than you will want to use for most of your airbrush makeup application, but it is important to spray closer when working with smaller, more focus
ed areas such as your eyelids. Doing this will help prevent overspray. Do not go too close, though, or you will risk creating hot spots.
3. Use gentle trigger presses and circular strokes
As with all other airbrush makeup application, you will want to use short, light trigger presses to get the most control over your makeup. Use small, circular strokes over your upper eyelid area to get the cleanest, most even look.
4. Pinch the bridge of your nose while working on your inner eye area
The inner eye area can be difficult when applying airbrush makeup. If you use your free hand to pinch the bridge of your nose, it will give you a tighter, flatter area of skin to work on, which will further prevent overspray.
5. Layer your look
Adding layers to your eyeshadow will really make your eyes pop. For example, if you apply a darker shade to your outer eye area and a lighter shade to the ball of your eyelid, you will create an accented look. You can also reverse that for a look that fades in and draws attention directly to your eyes.
6. Experiment
Using these same basic techniques, try different colors and combinations to create new looks. Be bold, and have fun! Mixing up your look based on your mood or your outfit will help you express yourself, and add a little excitement to your regular makeup routine. Try a set with multiple eyeshadow colors to give yourself room to experiment.